Tuesday, April 29, 2008
How To Weld A Snowboard Rail
For the bastards who claim that pedophilia is a terrible disease and who claim to suffer, I wonder if it would be wiser to give them the right to euthanasia.
After all, it would be a solution for children and pedophiles who claim to be victims of this pseudo disease. Not even want when they are given aspirin to claim healed?
course, it would be humane to those pedophiles who do not deserve any consideration, but if it can get rid of it, I'm for.
justice is so lenient toward these pedophiles that it could also give them the right to euthanasia.
Long live Belgium.
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The defendant worked for a private ambulance company in 2007 when he abused the girls during transfer to hospital. The court acquitted him for some facts. The man must pay 12,600 euros of compensation to civil parties. The man was released. (Belga/7sur7) 04/28/2008 1:59 p.m.
Even victims who were not entitled to leniency in contrast to the abuser.
The abuser is already free. At this writing, it has perhaps been more victims.
Belgium Cheers anyway.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
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When Will Alabama Change Their Football Helment
Source: DH
He abused his three daughters and her granddaughter in front of his wife
CHARLEROI In 1975, at his home in Couillard, Jean-Pierre D. began his horrible journey. During 30 year old father perverts abused her three daughters in front of his wife, Nicole B. Edwin (the names are changed), the eldest, was raped at 8 years during a tickling session during which his mother held his hands. At 12, she became pregnant. Sarah has suffered this fate, forced from age 10 to allow shaving sex by her father. Finally, Dorothy endured insults to the first 4 years. For her, the digital penetrations were daily. "As if to say hello."
terrorized, the sisters did not speak to each other. The law of silence reigned until 2005, when Jean-Pierre D. attacked her granddaughter, who had the courage to reveal everything to light.
victims wanted a trial by jury, but extenuating circumstances have prompted the correctional court. Moreover, the rapes were prescribed for the two eldest daughters.
Yesterday, the court noted the contempt of Jean-Pierre D. Development of psycho daughters he could appreciate daily suffering. He who, in 2008, his family situation was still "harmonious" ...
The accused had made his daughters his things, do not consider as independent persons.
His lack of history and the fact that he too was raped as a child were identified as mitigating circumstances. Regarding Nicole B., prosecuted for non-attendance, the court could only see his "deafening silence", the father perverse scoop of 7 years in prison, the mother of two year suspended sentence in half. The prosecution had requested 20 and 8 years.
© 2008 The Last Time
I win every time if I bet he will still claiming victims.
Cheers Belgium.